Saturday, October 27, 2007

A Simple Girl with Simple Needs

Things that make me smile...
*Jeremy cooking up a big breakfast for dinner
*a white chocolate mocha from Starbucks
*watching Mo chase squirrels in the backyard
*the way Maddie squints and looks like a mole when she first wakes up
*playing volleyball Monday nights...and winning
*"family weekends"
*trying a new recipe and having it turn out better than expected, then adding it to my new recipe book

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Random thoughts of the Mo

Moriah decided to share this with me today right in the middle of a very (not-so) focused discipline discussion:

Moriah: Mom, sometimes Margelow (who is actually Marlow, her cousin) gets grumfy (grumpy).
Me: Oh yeah, what does grumfy mean?
Moriah: It means she needs to eat a sandwich and take a nap.

Monday, October 22, 2007

You Are Forgiven: Lessons Learned from a 3 Year Old with a Big Heart

Moriah: Mom, I'm sorry for not listening.
Me: I forgive you.
Moriah: I forgive you too.
Me: ?...I'm sorry too.
Moriah: "I love you anyways."