Saturday, February 2, 2008


A little overdue. Here are pics of the house. This is definitely the most "homey" a home has felt to us. We'd love to get some more artwork on the walls - all in good time.

Downstairs bathroom

Master Closet. It keeps going, and going, and going. I didn't know what to fill it with, so I decided to keep the girls' clothes in here too. Who has time to go up and down stairs delivering laundry?

Master bath

Girls' Bathroom
Office/Guest room

Pottery Shed
In case you are wondering, that red pot on the grill is our compost pot.  Jeremy and Moriah have a compost area in the far backyard that is coming along beautifully.  Should make for some good all-natural-fertilizer for our garden in the spring.

Happy Groundhogs Day!

...and speaking of shadows, we seem to have one with us here constantly. Moriah loves to be in the same room as us. Always. She usually wants to be doing whatever it is I'm doing. It is great to have help with the mundane tasks such as emptying the dishwasher, doing laundry or making the bed. Other times she just wants to be in the same room. Several months ago I was replacing all the outlet covers downstairs and Mo was quite content playing with her basket of toys. Soon, I noticed she would pack up her basket and move as I moved. She kept her distance, always about 3 feet behind me. I took her all over the house, and as long as I didn't complain about having a shadow, she didn't complain about unpacking and packing her toys. Then there are the times when I need just a few minutes to myself. Moriah and I have started calling this "Mama Time".

Today Jeremy got to experience the need for "Papa Time". He had a few things that he had to get done around the house quickly this morning. Moriah was all over the place - back and forth, trying to keep up with him. Finally, Jeremy very sternly said, "Moriah, please stop following me." Then he looked over at me and asked, "Is this what it is like?" Yup. Mo was a little sensitive and started to pout, but quickly regained her composure, came back to Jeremy and said, "I'm sorry you yelled at me."

Then there is Madelyn, who is still very self-sufficient. Given the opportunity, she will grab one of Moriah's books and hide under the foot stool!

One of our activities this week was to make Moriah an art desk. Making art projects seems to keep Moriah well occupied for long periods of time. We encourage this in our household!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Home for the Week

Our van has petered out. Thankfully it lasted long enough for the very hungry, tired girls and I to make it home on Monday afternoon. (One of my worst fears is getting stranded on the side of the road with the girls). It turns out we need a transmission, a costly decision we are thinking over. In the meantime we will try to think up some fun activities to do during the day so we don't get cabin fever.

Cute things Mo has said lately:

*We had good friends over for dinner last week. Moriah ate a ton of couscous, a food I'm not sure she's had yet. When she asked what it was we said "Couscous" and she kept asking "Why are there two of them?". The next morning I asked what we had for dinner the previous night and she said, "Cous".

*Instead of mustache, Moriah calls it a "lipstache".

*Moriah has a couple different ways she says/means to say "forget". Here are a few examples: "Don't get-for your keys." "Mom, you for-got-for to give me some milk."