Monday, May 21, 2007

Life in the World of Momo and Maddie

*Moriah has been "poop-trained" for nearly a year and a of last week she is now fully potty trained. It turned out to be easier than I expected, making me wish I would have exerted the effort far sooner. All it took was one day of wetting her pants outside multiple times and having to stop playing, come inside, get washed up, and change clothes before returning to play. Moriah figured out real quick that if she went potty on the toilet her playtime would last longer.

*Moriah-isms: i did it all-my-by-myself; what is that color is that?; what are you are doing?; mom, what are you thinking about?; play-doh = "clay-doh"; moriah still tells me once a day "Happy Mother's Day"; the only color she never mistakes - brown; restaurant = runtaurant; "i can do anything i need"; after Moriah has had a time out, she will say "I am ready to be sweet now"; if it seems like we are arguing or if we raise our voices, she will interject "hey, be nice to each other"

*Moriah's favorite things to do: playing the piano and singing made-up songs, gardening, emptying the dishwasher, reading books while going potty, running (preferably with you right next to or behind her), singing Barney songs, going to church "to go see Jesus," and of course playing with the aunties.

*When Madelyn is tired there are two things that will always satisfy her: a good swaddle and sucking at least three of her fingers (we have Jamie J to thank for that).
...more to come soon for Madelyn. Right now her days are filled with eating and naps. She has become much more responsive and smiles quite a bit. There are times when she looks as though she wants to belly laugh but hasn't figured out how to. Instead, she just gives us a big cheeser and kicks her legs as fast as she can.


Unknown said...

hey guys, thanks for all the pictures and the updates. we miss you and hope to cross paths in the not too distant future.
love, steve

SMS said...

So sweet.. and what of the life of Jeremy and Michelle ? What are you two up too lately ? I agree with Steve and hope that all of our paths cross sooner than later.