Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Big Girl Apples

So close to getting out the door this morning with the girls...instead, I laid Maddie down for a nap. She will gladly take two naps a day, but doesn't always get the chance to because we are out and about. She didn't sleep much yesterday (I think she is FINALLY teething) and so I knew she would be extra tired today. I still don't feel any teeth cutting through but it is WELL past time for her to get some teeth! That's right, she turns 10 months in 2 days and the girl is "gumming" all her food.

Moriah was kind of bummed we didn't go out this morning seeing as she has been sick and we haven't gotten out much lately. I convinced her to keep a "sparkling attitude" as her Uncle Luke would call it and that we'd get some special Mama-Momo time in. We sat down to read a new children's bible we got for Christmas from one of her cousins:

We have other bibles that have served their purpose while Mo was younger - full of great pictures and with paraphrased stories. Moriah is to the point where she can sit down for extended periods of time and listen to books. And so, we began with the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. For the most part I think she understood it - the book does a great job of explaining in children's terms w/o dumbing down the stories. Once the story was done Moriah said in response to Eve eating the forbidden fruit, "I eat BIG girl apples, I don't eat them from the tree."

1 comment:

Michelle D said...

That made me laugh out loud:)